Not hearing any sound is usually trivial and therefore, resolved in no time. Follow the steps below, sit back and let our SoundBox HD do the talking (quite literally!).
Common Fixes
- Press the 'Volume UP' button on your remote control to make sure your Soundbox HD is not on mute.
- Check your SoundBox HD is paired with your device (A 'Blue LED' means that it is paired with a device through Bluetooth. Press the 'blue button' on your remote to change the sound mode to TV).
Learn more about the different LEDs on your SoundBox HD here
You can check if your device is paired to your Soundbox HD by:
- Navigating to the 'Settings' avenue on your Soundbox HD
- Under 'General', select 'Soundbox Mode'
3. Select 'Bluetooth pairing'
4. Select 'Start pairing' - ensure that the device you will be pairing, has Bluetooth switched on
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